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July 20th, 2022
3 min
3 min
July 20th, 2022

A mix of chaos—but chaos that brings good fortune

Jenn was raised between two homes– Paris and her hometown in Sri Lanka. Two vibrant environments for their own charms, two elements that came together to form the individual Jennifer is today. Like hot and cold air coming together to create a whirlwind, these two places came together to make Jenn.

An audio-visual fashion producer, a foodie, a recent master’s graduate, and a model, Jenn is the non-stop kind of creator who constantly roams from one destination to the next, never letting up on all that manifests on her plate.

“My main job is to plan stuff, but I’m not planning anything in my life. So it puts me in certain situations that I wouldn’t think of being in,” said Jenn. “I think it’s a mix of chaos but actually at the same time chaos that brings good stuff and great opportunities.”


I feel we have to try not only for our future but also for now. That we use less energy possible to not create by destroying but create by renewing (on lab-grown diamonds).

“I was trying to do everything, and I feel it was my moment of a whirlwind because everything was happening simultaneously– it was a turning point in my life. And it was funny because my mom looked at me one day and said, ‘wow, you’ve grown up so much in a year.’ So I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, ‘oh yeah, she’s right!’ because I haven’t seen myself growing this much, and I haven’t taken the time to see what I have done,” shared Jenn.

Full of anecdotes, she recalled another.

“I took a gap year between my bachelor’s and master’s degree, and I wanted to move to another country but didn’t know where I wanted to go. So I was like, ‘I want to go to Asia’, and two months before my travel, I booked my tickets to China, which was one of my life’s best experiences.”

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But life should be full of these moments, and Jenn is a master cultivator of surprise and good fun.

“I love these earrings because they’re so light. I feel amazing with these earrings,” shared Jenn. “I feel it’s really about the details when I wear them, and I love that they are diamond-encrusted. I feel connected with the shape because it’s like a circle, and I love what is round. I always feel that life is like a circle just going on, about lessons you learn, and it’s like endlessly growing up.”

Follow Jenn at @jennabey.

Stories shaped in gold
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